Is Your Business Maximising the Top 20% & 1% Customer Impact?

💡 Luxury businesses with an effective customer retention strategy have a healthy portion of revenue secured by existing customers, and a significant percentage of revenue from top customers (top 20%) and VIPs (top 1%).

💡From a relationship bonding perspective, at least two client-facing members in the business (usually the Client Advisor and the Store In-Charge) are assigned to cultivate relationships with the top 1% (VIP).
Swipe the slides to review the 3 Golden Ratios of Top Customer Impact.

P.s. According to the Pareto Principle, in any group of things that contribute to a common effect, a relatively few contributors account for the majority of the effect..


How to Leap from One-Time Shoppers to Returning Customers


A Customer-Centric Way of Segmentation